Leadership excellence in a VUCA World

Leadership excellence in a VUCA World


Gain the knowledge and confidence to successfully lead your team and organization amidst the digital disruptions and a VUCA environment.

100% live lectures by faculty from top global schools
Integrated group work on real world projects
Record of participation from UCLA extension
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    What is 7 x 6 ?

    Starts on
    03 April 2022

    20 weeks (Live Virtual)

    Program Fee
    INR 1,00,000 + GST 

    About the Program

    The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a key tipping point for organizations globally. Disruptive change has come suddenly and forcefully in multiple ways. Technological disruptions, financial pressures, human challenges faced have been accentuated. The future has certainly become much more uncertain and volatile than before.

    It has become clear that leadership style will have to change significantly along multiple dimensions to thrive in the new normal of a post-Covid world. Digitalization will now become part of the core business strategy and business models will have to be revamped.

    The Fourth Industrial Revolution of the 21st century has ushered in a new wave of management development and leadership practices. Succeeding in this rapidly changing world will require both a solid understanding of global trends influencing businesses and an inspirational leadership style to be bold, take risks and lead complex change.

    “The Leadership excellence in a VUCA World” program, in collaboration with UCLA Extension, aims to prepare you for senior leadership roles by helping you discover your unique leadership style in a VUCA world. This is a business relevant course designed by expert academicians who bring to you what is relevant to you and the ever-changing business environment that you operate in and help you enhance your leadership skills and managerial effectiveness.

    What you will learn

    The goal of this course is to provide an effective combination of theory and practice on the diverse and dynamic leadership skills in a VUCA world. Lectures and case studies will provide a rich forum for in-class discussions.

    1. Develop a multi stakeholder approach through an inspirational leadership style while leading complex change in a VUCA world
    2. Discover your authentic leadership style and transition to high-level leadership roles while you lead a business in today’s dynamic landscape
    3. Advance your ability to make decisions at the business-level and corporate-level while driving the economic and eg (environmental, social and governance) goals
    4. Be the architect of an agile organizational culture through inspired and empowered human capital
    5. Be an innovation champion by embedding innovation into the DNA of the organization

    Who should take this course?

    • Business executives handling key strategic positions in their organizations
    • Mid-level managers and function heads seeking to transition into senior leadership positions
    • Senior managers aspiring to break into the C-suite of professionals


    • Graduates (10+2+3) or Diploma Holders (only 10+2+3) from a recognized university (UGC/AICTE/DEC /AIU/State Government) in any discipline.
    • Work Experience – Minimum of at least 7 years of work experience
    This program will benefit you if
    • Learn to apply complex leadership concepts to real life situations
    • You are seeking to enhance your leadership gravitas in a VUCA context
    • You are interested to leverage the human capital and become an inspiring and transformative leader
    • You are keen to lead innovation within your organization
    • You aim to ensure future readiness of your organization through digital transformation and disruptive business models

    Record of Participation

    Upon successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a Record of Participation from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Extension

    Share on LinkedIn

    You can share your Record of Participation in the Certifications section of your LinkedIn profile, on printed resumes, CVs, or other documents.

    Meet the world-class faculty

    You will learn from world class instructor in this program from leading business schools and global corporates.

    Professor Soumitra Dutta

    Soumitra Dutta is a Professor of Management at and the former founding dean of the SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University, New York. He has held senior administrative positions in leading business schools and universities for more than 20 years. He is the Chair of the Global Business School Network, an influential network of more than 100 leading business schools from around the world. He is also the founder and President of Portulans Institute, a non-partisan nonprofit research and education institution based in Washington DC.

    Dutta is on the global boards of Sodexo and Dassault Systems. He is also a member of the Shareholder Council of Chicago-based healthcare consulting company ZS Associates. Dutta is a member of the Davos Circle, an association of long-time participants in the Annual Davos meeting of the World Economic Forum. He was the co-chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Innovation Ecosystems. He is also the Chief Academic Advisor to the Artificial Intelligence Forum of the Confederation of Indian Industry.

    Other eminent faculty members and industry experts, as approved by UCLA Extn, will co-teach in the program

    Program Structure

    During the program you will have the chance to learn from world class faculty through live virtual lectures delivered from the USA on the Igesia learning platform. You will interact with industry executives and better understand ongoing trends in Indian and global business. You will be given the opportunity to work in groups on projects of relevance to your business contexts.


    You will be welcomed to the program and start connecting with fellow participants in the program and get an overview of the forthcoming program. You will also start forming teams and start considering questions to explore in your customized project work.

    Module 1
    • Business challenges in the post-Covid environment
    • Leading in a VUCA world – a multi-stakeholder approach to leadership
    • Adaptive leadership for turbulent times
    Live Virtual Session with Industry Expert
    Module 2
    • Crisis leadership
    • Managing change
    • Increasing your influence and persuassion
    Live Virtual Session with Industry Expert
    Module 3
    • Leading with talent
    • Becoming a great coach and mentor
    • Strategic Customer Relationships
    • Setting aspirational goals and inspiring others
    Live Virtual Session with Industry Expert
    Module 4
    • Leading digital trasformation and innovation
    • Leveraging technology for disruptive business models
    • Digital strategy
    • Balancing economic and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals
    Live Virtual Session with Industry Expert
    Module 5
    • Building capabilities for the future through Innovation
    • Building an innovation culture
    • Creating an entrepreneurial mindset
    • Organizational agility and future readiness
    Post Program
    Record of participation from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Extension

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